zyBooks at ASEE Tampa June 16-19, 2019

Come visit the zyBooks team at booth #931. See a demo of our engineering titles and pick up premium writing tools while you’re there. This year we are excited to present, or be related to, the following papers: Sunday, June 16, 2019 U408·Technical Session 11: Topics related to Computer Science When: 1:15 PM to 2:45 […]

zyBooks wins competitive Phase I SBIR grant from U.S. Dept. of Education

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Hadley Dreibelbis, Finn Partners Hadley.Dreibelbis@finnpartners.com 202-518-6496 ZYBOOKS USES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GRANT TO FUND UNMET NEEDS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION zyBooks receives $200,000 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Award Los Gatos, California, June 6, 2018 – With a growing workforce demand for computer science skills, it is more necessary than […]

Coding in the biochemistry lab

Emma Ward has her eyes fixed on a career in life science research. The University of Illinois at Chicago student talked to numerous faculty while investigating graduate school options. As she gathered advice in laying out her path towards her goal, one problem stood out to her: there was a need for programming skills in […]

Artist discovers a passion for computer science

When thinking about a college major, John Pham was most interested in art and robotics. So, when it came time to declare a major at the University of California, Riverside, he felt most drawn to mechanical engineering, well aware of the challenges that lay ahead. John’s first experience in coding happened at Citrus Hack, the […]

How we help reduce student frustration

zyBook authors understand that content delivery can evolve as we better understand our students. One area of concern for us is student frustration. Certainly, we want students to wrestle with our content, but we don’t want them to struggle so much that they give up in frustration. Authors use our student activity report to help […]