Table of Contents
1. C++ Primer
1.1 Getting started in C++
1.2 Data types and variables
1.3 Operators and expressions
1.4 Control flow
1.5 References and pointers
1.6 Arrays and strings
1.7 Functions
1.8 Exceptions
1.9 Program and file organization
1.10 Exercises
1.11 Chapter notes
2. Object-Oriented Design
2.1 Goals, principles, and patterns
2.2 Software development
2.3 Class definitions
2.4 Templates and the Standard Template Library (STL)
2.5 An object’s lifespan and memory management
2.6 Inheritance and polymorphism
2.7 Exercises
2.8 Chapter notes
3. Algorithm Analysis
3.1 Experimental studies
3.2 The seven functions used in this book
3.3 Asymptotic analysis
3.4 Simple justification techniques
3.5 Exercises
3.6 Chapter notes
4. Recursion
4.1 Illustrative examples of recursion
4.2 Analyzing recursive algorithms
4.3 Designing recursive algorithms
4.4 Recursion run amok
4.5 Eliminating tail recursion
4.6 Exercises
4.7 Chapter notes
5. Array-Based Structures
5.1 Case study: A Scoreboard class
5.2 Case study: Sorting an array
5.3 Case study: Simple cryptography
5.4 Two-dimensional arrays
5.5 Vectors and dynamically sized arrays
5.6 Iterators
5.7 Cloning, moving, and deallocating
5.8 Exercises
5.9 Chapter notes
6. Linked Lists
6.1 Singly-linked lists
6.2 Circularly linked lists
6.3 Doubly linked lists
6.4 Iterators and STL lists
6.5 Cloning, moving, and deallocating lists
6.6 Smart pointers
6.7 Case study: Sorting a list
6.8 Case study: Maintaining access frequencies
6.9 Exercises
6.10 Chapter notes
7. Stacks, Queues, and Deques
7.1 Stacks
7.2 Queues
7.3 Double-ended queues
7.4 Exercises
7.5 Chapter notes
8. Trees
8.1 General trees
8.2 Binary trees
8.3 Linked tree representations
8.4 Array-based tree representations
8.5 Tree traversal algorithms
8.6 Applications of tree traversals
8.7 Exercises
8.8 Chapter notes
9. Priority Queues
9.1 Priority queue abstract data type
9.2 Implementing a priority queue
9.3 Heaps
9.4 Bottom-up heap construction
9.5 Sorting with a priority queue
9.6 Adaptable priority queues
9.7 Exercises
9.8 Chapter notes
10. Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists
10.1 Maps
10.2 Map implementations
10.3 Hash tables
10.4 Implementing hash tables in C++
10.5 Ordered maps
10.6 Skip lists
10.7 Sets, multisets, and multimaps
10.8 Exercises
10.9 Chapter Notes
11. Search Trees
11.1 Binary search trees
11.2 Balanced search trees
11.3 AVL trees
11.4 Splay trees
11.5 (2,4) trees
11.6 Red-black trees
11.7 Exercises
11.8 Chapter notes
12. Sorting and Selection
12.1 Merge-sort
12.2 Quick-sort
12.3 Studying sorting through an algorithmic lens
12.4 Comparing sorting algorithms
12.5 Selection
12.6 Exercises
12.7 Chapter notes
13. Text Processing
13.1 Abundance of digitized text
13.2 Pattern-matching algorithms
13.3 Tries
13.4 Text compression and the greedy method
13.5 Dynamic programming
13.6 Exercises
13.7 Chapter notes
14. Graph Algorithms
14.1 Graphs
14.2 Data structures for graphs
14.3 C++ implementation
14.4 Graph traversals
14.5 Transitive closure
14.6 Directed acyclic graphs
14.7 Shortest paths
14.8 Minimum spanning trees
14.9 Disjoint partitions and union-find structures
14.10 Exercises
14.11 Chapter notes
15. Memory Management and B-Trees
15.1 Memory management
15.2 Memory hierarchies and caching
15.3 External searching and B-trees
15.4 External-memory sorting
15.5 Exercises
15.6 Chapter notes
16. Appendix
16.1 Useful mathematical facts
17. Bibliography
17.1 Bibliography
The zyBooks version of the Data Structures & Algorithms in C++ provides a powerful interactive learning environment
The Data Structures & Algorithms in C++ zyVersion contains the updated 2nd edition content of the authors’ object-oriented C++ data structures book, plus new interactive animations and learning questions to help students learn faster and more effectively.
- Offers a comprehensive introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation
- Includes over 50 interactive animations that enhance learning with step-by-step dynamic illustrations of algorithms, data structure operations, and other key concepts
- Includes over 150 question sets embedded throughout the book that provide immediate feedback to learners, plus over 750 end-of-chapter exercises
- Extensive C++ source code is consistent with modern C++/STL standards; the entire codebase is available online
Co-author Professor Michael Goldwasser demonstrates the power of an interactive approach to data structures:
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Michael Goodrich, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Computer Science / University of California, Irvine
Roberto Tamassia, PhD
Professor of Computer Science / Brown University
David M. Mount, PhD
Professor of Computer Science / University of Maryland, College Park
Michael Goldwasser, PhD
Professor of Computer Science / Saint Louis University