Table of Contents

1.1 Systems of linear equations
1.2 Matrices and linear systems
1.3 Elementary row operations
1.4 Echelon forms of a matrix
1.5 Solution set of a system of linear equations
1.6 Gaussian elimination
1.7 Gauss-Jordan elimination
1.8 Applications: Matrices in chemistry
1.9 Application: Electric circuits

2.1 Matrix addition and scalar multiplication
2.2 Matrix multiplication
2.3 Matrix equations and linear systems
2.4 Inverse of a matrix
2.5 Solving a system using an inverse matrix
2.6 Elementary matrices
2.7 Block matrices
2.8 LU decomposition
2.9 Application: Leontief models
2.10 Application: Markov chains

3.1 Introduction to vectors
3.2 Vector operations
3.3 Dot product
3.4 Cross product
3.5 Application: 3D coordinate geometry
3.6 Application: Vectors in physics

4.1 Vector spaces and subspaces
4.2 Spanning sets
4.3 Linear independence and dependence
4.4 Basis and dimension

5.1 Introduction to determinants
5.2 Cofactor expansions
5.3 Application: Area and volume
5.4 Properties of determinants
5.5 Invertibility and determinants
5.6 Cramer’s rule
5.7 Permutations and determinants

6.1 General vector spaces
6.2 Subspaces
6.3 Coordinatization
6.4 Four fundamental subspaces
6.5 Rank and nullity

7.1 Linear transformations between Euclidean spaces
7.2 General linear transformations
7.3 Isomorphisms
7.4 Rank and nullity of a linear transformation
7.5 Composition of linear transformations
7.6 Fundamental Theorem of Matrix Representations
7.7 Application: Transformations in 2D coordinate geometry

8.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
8.2 Eigenspaces
8.3 Similarity and diagonalization
8.4 Complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors
8.5 Application: Inertia tensors
8.6 Application: Systems of first order differential equations

9.1 Inner product spaces
9.2 Norms and distances
9.3 Orthogonal bases
9.4 Orthogonal complements
9.5 Orthogonal matrices
9.6 Singular value decomposition
9.7 Pseudoinverses
9.8 Complex inner product spaces
9.9 Application: Least-squares approximation
9.10 Application: Principal component analysis

10.1 Notation

A new and interactive introduction to linear algebra and matrix theory

Linear Algebra uses an interactive approach to build comprehension of this subject’s foundational ideas. Definition-based topics are introduced to connect new concepts as the book progresses. This book includes:

  • New block proof tool that helps students learn how formal math proofs are written
  • 350+ auto-graded participation activities intended as reading exercises, such as question sets and animations
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  • Homework-appropriate, auto-graded, and randomized challenge activities in every section
  • Dozens of applications connect key concepts in linear algebra to real-world examples in physics, chemistry, circuits, and more
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Alan Bass
Senior Content Developer, Mathematics / MS in Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Susan Lauer
Content Developer, Mathematics / PhD in Mathematics, Auburn University

Chris Chan
MA in Mathematics, San Francisco State University

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