Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction to machine learning
1.2 Feature and model types
1.3 Modeling workflow in scikit-learn
1.4 Bias-variance tradeoff
1.5 Machine learning ethics
1.6 Case study: Machine learning at Spotify

2.1 k-nearest neighbors
2.2 Logistic regression
2.3 Gaussian naive Bayes
2.4 Discriminant analysis
2.5 Case study: Logistic regression for passenger satisfaction

3.1 Linear regression
3.2 Elastic net regression
3.3 k-nearest neighbors for regression
3.4 Case study: Regression models for predicting well-being

4.1 Loss functions for classification
4.2 Classification metrics
4.3 Loss functions for regression
4.4 Regression metrics
4.5 Evaluating models with plots
4.6 Case study: Classifying credit card transactions
4.7 Case study: Predicting trip prices with regression

5.1 Cross-validation methods
5.2 Cross-validation for model selection
5.3 Cross-validation for model tuning
5.4 Case study: Using pipelines to classify emails

6.1 Data pre-processing
6.2 Feature transformations
6.3 Imputation techniques
6.4 Case study: Encoding features in healthcare data

7.1 Support vector classifiers
7.2 Nonlinear support vector machines
7.3 Support vector machines for regression
7.4 Case study: Support vector machines for predicting diabetes

8.1 Decision trees for classification
8.2 Decision tree algorithms
8.3 Decision trees for regression
8.4 Case study: Decision trees for employee attrition

9.1 Bootstrapping
9.2 Bagging
9.3 Random forests
9.4 Boosting
9.5 Case study: Identifying heart attack risk factors with random forests

10.1 Neural networks
10.2 Training neural networks
10.3 Gradient descent
10.4 Deep learning with Keras
10.5 Advanced neural networks
10.6 Case study: Classifying product reviews using RNNs

11.1 k-means clustering
11.2 Hierarchical clustering
11.3 Other clustering algorithms
11.4 Case study: Clustering NBA players

12.1 Feature selection
12.2 Feature extraction using linear techniques
12.3 Feature extraction using nonlinear techniques
12.4 Case study: Using PCA to transform nutrient intake

13.1 Datasets
13.2 Symbols and notation
13.3 Vectors
13.4 Matrices
13.5 Derivatives
13.6 Probability

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  • Balances computational skills with conceptual and practical machine learning applications
  • Includes data preprocessing, supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, decision trees, neural networks, ensemble methods, and model evaluation techniques
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Aimee Schwab-McCoy
Senior Manager, Content Development, Data Science, Mathematics and Statistics / PhD in Statistics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Key Contributors

Chris Chan
MA in Mathematics, San Francisco State University

Pamela Fellers
Content Developer, Statistics / PhD in Statistics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

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