Table of Contents

1.1 Welcome

1.2 Introducing Microsoft Power BI

1.3 Downloading, installing, and updating Power BI desktop

1.4 The data process chain

1.5 The Power BI desktop workspace18

2.1 Getting started: Visualizations and reports

2.2 Tools for developing reports

2.3 Cards

2.4 Tables

2.5 Stacked bar charts

2.6 Slicers

2.7 Map charts

2.8 Conditional formatting

3.1 Getting started: Data relationships

3.2 Data relationships: Overview

3.3 Nominal comparison

3.4 Distribution

3.5 Deviation

3.6 Ranking

3.7 Part-whole

3.8 Correlation

3.9 Time series

3.10 Geospatial

4.1 Getting started: Queries, filters, and aggregations

4.2 Queries, filters, and aggregations

4.3 Type 1 filter: One field (criterion), a single value

4.4 Type 2 filter: One field (criterion), multiple values

4.5 Type 3 filter: One field (criterion), a range of values

4.6 Type 4 filter: Multiple fields (criteria)

4.7 Type 5 filter: Advanced filter definitions

4.8 Type 6 filter: Filter definitions for aggregations

4.9 Type 7 filter: Filters applied to aggregates

5.1 Getting started: Information modeling

5.2 Tools for defining information models: Calculated columns and measures

5.3 Understanding an information model

5.4 DAX: Aggregation functions

5.5 DAX: Iterator functions

5.6 DAX: The CALCULATE function

5.7 DAX: Advanced topics, measure hierarchies

6.1 Getting started: Data preparation

6.2 Data extraction

6.3 Power query

6.4 Basic data transformation with power query

6.5 Advanced data transformation with power query

6.6 Merging tables with power query

6.7 Data profiling with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)

6.8 Building an integrated data model

7.1 Getting started: The HNA case

7.2 Data preparation

7.3 Information modeling

7.4 Data analytics: Exploration and interpretation

Enhance your Microsoft® Power BI® skills with hands-on practice

Introduction to Microsoft® Power BI® is designed to help students execute essential processes in Microsoft® Power BI®. They will learn:

  • The basics of using Microsoft® Power BI®, including installing the Power BI® Desktop software, accessing the free version, and exploring the workspace
  • How to create data visualizations and their uses in the world of business, including tables, slicers, bar charts, and map charts
  • How to properly use filters to best understand data and define information modeling
  • The different stages of data collection, including extraction, transformation, and integration
  • How to calculate information for analysis and build dashboards to glean insights from data

Dr. Guido Geerts shares the exciting course objectives:

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Guido Geerts

Professor and EY Scholar, University of Delaware / PhD in Accounting Information Systems, Free University Brussels, Belgium

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